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The Most Curious About Hair Transplant

Who is Hair Transplantation for?

Hair transplantation can be done for anyone over the age of 18, who has male pattern loss and does not have any health problems that prevent the operation.

What are the factors affecting the success of hair transplantation?

Factors such as the length of the operation, the quality of the hair follicles, and the size of the transplantation area affect the success of the hair transplant as much as the experience of the team that will perform the procedure.

Hair Transplantation is do by who?

It is obligatory to perform the hair transplantation procedure by a Doctor who is specialized in the field, a Nurse who has received the necessary training in hair transplantation, and other qualified health personnel.

How do I know if I am suitable for Hair Transplantation?

If you have a hair loss problem and you do not know whether you are suitable for the operation, you can contact a physician experienced in the field of hair transplantation and get healthy information.

Is there an age limit for Hair Transplantation?

The lower age limit for hair transplantation is recommended as 18 years old. The upper age limit should be evaluated together with the health problems of the person.

How many hours does the hair transplant operation take?

The length of the operation increases and decreases in proportion to the number of grafts to be planted and takes an average of 7 hours. During the operation, meal breaks and need breaks are provided.

When does the transplanted hair start to grow?

The hair that starts to grow 2 months after the operation continues to grow by adding new ones every month. It is necessary to wait an average of 1 year to achieve the expected result.

What are the causes of Hair Loss?

60% of hair loss is caused by genetics. Apart from genetics, factors such as nutritional habits, stress, drug use, hormonal disorders also play an important role.

How to determine the amount of hair to be transplanted?

One of the most important stages before the hair transplant operation is the planning stage. At this stage, it is planned to plant the hairline and how many grafts will be planted in which area. The number of grafts to be transplanted should be planned by evaluating the size and sparsity of the person’s open area, the frequency of the donor area, and the tissue (vascular structure) of the person.

Is it normal for my hair to fall out while washing it?

It is normal for healthy hair to lose close to 100 strands of hair a day.

Will I have pain during and after the Hair Transplant?

Thanks to the developing technologies, new materials have been developed to reduce the pain in the operation. Thanks to these materials, no pain is felt during the anesthesia phase and during the operation. Your doctor will prescribe the necessary medicines for you to avoid pain after the operation. In short, there will be no pain and pain during the operation and after the operation.

Will there be a bandage on my head after the Hair Transplant?

After the hair transplant procedure, the transplanted area should never be touched. Therefore, there will be no dressing / bandage in the planting area. However, antibiotic dressing is applied to the donor area where the grafts are taken. This dressing is removed by your doctor after 1 day.

Is the transplanted hair different from the normal hair?

Since the transplanted hair is taken from the person’s own hair, it grows in the same way. It can be extended as desired, scanned and shaped as desired. It is no different from our normal hair.

If I need a second procedure, when is the earliest I can do it?

In some cases, it may be necessary to plan a second operation for operations that cannot be performed in a single session. In this case, the donor area and the transplanted area need to be healed. The time required for this is determined as an average of 8 months at the earliest.

In which season is it healthier to have a hair transplant?

One of the most common mistakes among people is that hair transplantation is not done in summer, and this is a false information. However, summer months are not preferred because we need to avoid sea holidays for about 2 months after hair transplantation. Hair transplantation can be done in all seasons and does not affect the success of the operation.

Who is not suitable for Hair Transplantation?

Hair transplantation is not suitable for those who have hormonal loss, do not have sufficient donor area and have serious health problems.

What percentage of the transplanted hair grows?

Although the success rate of the transplanted hair is affected by many factors such as the age of the person, nutritional status and the quality of the hair follicles, 95% of the transplanted hair grows successfully.

Does the transplanted hair fall out later?

The transplanted hair undergoes shedding, which we call shock shedding, approximately 1 month after the operation. From the 2nd month, our hair starts to grow without shedding again and the process is completed at the end of 1 year.

When do the crusts (red dots) formed in the hair transplant area go away?

The crusts formed after the operation are gradually shed with the washings we will make from the 3rd day. At the end of the 10th day, all the crusts on our head fall off and a clean image is formed.

Where is the donor area?

The donor area is the area that starts from the level of our ears, where the hair is coded not to fall out, and completely covers our hairy area on the nape.

When can I cut my hair?

It is healthier to cut the transplanted hair with only scissors for 4-5 days, but we can cut our hair in the nape area, which we call the donor area, with a machine 1 week after the operation.

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